About us
In July 2019, founder Steven Peleman was hiking in Chamonix Mont-Blanc when he saw a glacier he skied down years ago had completely vanished. This shocking moment inspired him to act against climate change. Drawing on his background in materials engineering and innovation, Steven shared his vision in the ‘Journal of Business Chemistry’ and left his role as Director Chemicals & Sustainability at Deloitte to pursue it.
By early 2020, with seed funding secured, he became one of the first residents of BlueChem, a sustainable chemistry incubator in Antwerp. A core team of experts, including Jan Adriaenssen, Denis Hicks, and Sofie Baeten, joined him, forming the foundation of Triple Helix.
In late 2020, the company submitted a proposal to the Port of Antwerp-Bruges’ NextGen District to create ‘SurePUre,’ a chemical recycling facility for end-of-life polyurethane foams. By the end of 2021, they secured the concession, and by mid-2023, the project advanced to permitting and building preparations.
Meanwhile, Triple Helix explored other opportunities to convert waste into valuable products and began plans for replication in new geographies—all driven by a mission to reduce emissions and waste pollution sustainably.
Today, the team and portfolio are growing rapidly, with global expansion on the horizon. And this is just the beginning…

What we do
Triple Helix develops technology, people and assets for newly created solution companies that convert specific waste streams into valuable products again, hence reducing emissions and waste pollution. Allow us to explain this in detail…
Because the aim is to reduce harmful emissions and waste pollution in an economically viable, scientifically sound and socially relevant way, all of our initiatives have a number of preconditions.
For starters, there needs to be a challenge, an issue of emission or pollution that has not been solved before. Because there is no time to lose in terms of countering climate change, we do not focus on competing with existing solutions, but we tackle unsolved issues of which there are many more. This is also interesting for our investors because of the addressable market potential.
Of course, we need to have some ideas and confidence that we can solve the technical and market puzzle of such cases. This is why we work with ecosystems and many partners.
Once we are underway, we try to create, fund and build a company that takes care of converting the specific waste stream into something valuable with the aim of generating proof, more intellectual property and the potential to scale up by geographical replication. The latter is to maximize shareholder value, global sustainable impact and avoid transportation of waste in an international context.
Lastly, as founders we try to make sure we can build healthy structures with talented people to guarantee continuity of both business and impact long after we are gone. Our goal is very explicitly to leave something good behind for future generations that also helps them in fighting climate change.

Get to know us
Meaning and balance, leaving something behind, showing instead of trying to convince… The founding team consists of former captains of industry, senior researchers and motivated young talents who share a belief that people, planet and profit can actually coexist in harmony. And let’s be honest, the technical and management challenges are also cool to be working on.
Perhaps that is an aspect that characterizes the team best. There is a twinkle in all of our eyes when we talk about our work. We are on a mission. Probably this is also part of the reason why we are able to attract talent where others are struggling. Our people are the best of the best and they are part of a solution, of a genuine contribution that matters.
We're hiring! Join us.
Do you feel you have unique skills or knowledge that can support the move towards more circular materials and do you share our belief we can change things for the better, then please reach out!
Questions or more information?
Sustainable chemistry, circular materials or venturing are specialist areas. We realize this. The best way to explain and explore mutual benefits is by talking to each other.
So please feel free to interact with us by asking questions or by contacting us. We can take it from there. As Wayne Gretzky once said: ”You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

Investing in Triple Helix
If you are looking for ‘normal’ market returns and at the same time you wish to contribute to the sustainable transition and make this world a better place, Triple Helix offers you a variety of alternatives to invest in.