G-BT typically converts solid waste streams and bio-based waste streams (without interfering in the food chain). Solid waste like various types of stone waste, glass and glass beads, cellulose or textile fractions or processing waste from food & agro players can be combined and mechanically recycled into valuable products in such a way that they substitute or partly substitute products made from virgin feedstock and/or with processes requiring a much higher eco-footprint or emissions. End markets served include but are not limited to interior design, fashion, circular construction materials, 

Processes encompass all sorts of grinding, mixing and pressing steps, complemented with molding, printing, binding and finishing work. We try to avoid energy intensive steps like baking or heating.



G-BT does a lot of work on the characterization of material waste streams and on analyzing their availability, intrinsic properties, market dynamics and potential applicative combinations. 

Apart from adhesion and binding technology, the scientific area of surface chemistry is an important playing field to support productizing various streams. Despite the urgency of moving to much more circular materials, G-BT also puts a lot of effort into making sure our materials and products can compete with ‘virgin’ materials in terms of cost. We strongly believe economy and ecology go hand in hand if we are to force any systemic change.



G-BT’s first operational company ComBIND is based in Belgium and focuses mainly on circular construction products made from solid waste streams glued together with binder technology that is ideally also fully or partly coming from waste streams.

ComBIND usually launches its products in higher value segments, before working on industrializing for maximum impact.

What we do

About our fields

There are many forms of recycling and quite frankly, we will need all of them at this point in time. Depending on the specific waste stream, we look for the most sustainable solution in terms of footprint, energy and value after recovery and conversion. This has led to 4 areas of interest in our portfolio.


About the fields

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